Sunday, September 21, 2008

Great Expectations, Ch. 13-17

Good morning seniors! For Monday (9.22):
Post a question about the reading (Ch. 13-17), and answer a question; you can answer your question, or someone else's. Email me if you have trouble logging in; you should be able to click on the 'sign in' button, and get in that way.

I'll start us off: at the beginning of Ch. 13, Joe can't seem to address Miss Havisham directly, and speaks to Pip instead. What does this tell us about Joe, and how does Pip respond? Why?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Welcome to the blog!

Welcome! In order to post and comment on the blog, you need to create a google account; you can do this by just using your pre-existing email address (@yahoo or whatever) as your username, and by selecting a password. See me if you get stuck.

We'll use this blog to continue conversations we have in class, pose and answer questions, and post relevant and interesting information. Please initial any posting that's yours (esp. if your username is something unusual). Only people in this class can post. I have a list of email addresses, so can spot trespassers. (Tresspassers will be prosecuted).